Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our hope. Our comfort.  Our response.

This has been quite the past few days. Let's start at the very beginning. I've heard its the very best place to start.
Last Wednesday we had our typical Wednesday,   our home was filed with family! I went to bed early so I could sleep well for surgery the next day. I went to bed without saying goodnight to most of the family that was here. When I woke up Thursday I was greeted with their love!
I read and tried to memorize these special words from my family so I could take them with me to the hospital. <3 them!

Surgery was Thursday. The RN had a LOT of trouble getting blood (to run blood type and other tests) and set an IV. When I say trouble I mean 7 times of trouble. I was convinced that if I drank water I could be a sprinkler! This made me a little grumpy - ok a LOT grumpy!
The surgery was a robotic myomectomy. It went amazing! We knew it would have fantastic results because we have a wonderful Dr!  Have I told you how much I LOVE my doctor? Serious, he is wise, kind and incredibly talented! He also genuinely cares about his patients! When he came to the waiting room to tell Andy how the surgery went he was most excited that he was able to open my Fallopian tubes! He knew that was important to us and he knew we would rejoice over that so he did with us too! He also was able to remove the fibroid completely!
Recovery has been difficult. I have 6 areas where the robots went in. 5 are about an inch long and one is in my belly button. I have been in a LOT of pain and have been unable to do much other than lay on the bed. I have not been bored though! We have been lavished with love from our families! We have had dinners made for us, laundry done for us, dishes done and much more. The "things" are great and much needed but it's the time that has been so important to us. We have had lots of visitors who have watched  movies, played monopoly, read magazines and just sat with me so I'm not alone.
I have received some beautiful flowers too!

My sweet friend, Kristy, has spent a few nights here to ensure I am taking care of. She has loved Andy and I so well. She has said yes to every need I voice and has even taken care of the ones I didn't voice. Let's be honest when a friend offers to dry off your legs cause you can't - they are the best.
I would regret if I didn't tell you how legit the hubs is. He loves me SO well. The first night we were home I couldn't get out of bed alone. I woke him up 5 times that night to use the potty and he never complained! He has wiped my tears, calmed my fears and made sure I was completely taken care of. I gotta brag for a moment - Andy set up some people to come move our spare bed downstairs while I was in surgery just in case I couldn't make it upstairs. Dude drew a MAP of exactly how he wanted the downstairs to be set up! :sigh: I have the best hubs. I wonder if he knows how absolutely crazy I am about him!
We are now 6 days on this road to recovery. I go back to the Dr a week from Thursday and will know much more then. Right now we are happy.

Our hope: To hang this in our spare room... Soon!

Our comfort: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Our response: 
Psalm 9:1
"I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I all tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High"

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