Thursday, October 6, 2011

An update the count would be proud of

A numerical update (I got this idea from my friend Pam - love it)

1 - go back to work pass because I am healing well!

18 - craft projects I have completed in the past 2 weeks - here is the latest....
After -

1- concert with 3 friends
Kristy an I freezing at the concert

The crew

Meeting Drew and Ellie Holcomb! Yay!

10 - days between going back to work and having a day off - read: there will
NOT be many updates!

1- sweet breakfast with family
Sarah and Ruby and the headband I made her

1 - friend staying with us whose mom writes recipes for Kraft

2 - the number of days she is cooking for us a week (the hubs is really happy about this - wonder if this means he doesn't like my cooking - oopsie)

3 - the number of times I will be in Atlanta in the next 2 weeks (subject to change of course)

1 happy girl living in 1 big world