Thursday, January 26, 2012

The State of the Robinson's

I am not great at updating. Can you tell?!
The TV is saturated with debates, campaigns, state of the state and state of the union. I figured we would have some fun today with the State of the Robinson address. Feel free to applaud or shift uncomfortably in your seat after each statement, that seems to be the norm at these events!

The Robinson's are strong and moving forward, respecting the journey we have had this past year and anticipating a joyful 2012.

I have learned a lot about my self this past year.
- I have learned that loss is not something you can tuck away and forget. It is something that lives with you and you carry, though the load is unbearable at some times. It is ok that it is there, it has shaped my character.
- I have learned that some things in life have an end. More importantly that an end is not a bad thing, in fact a very good thing most the time.
- I have dealt with judgements over the journey Andy and I have taken in our attempts to have a child. I have looked into the face of a friend as she said "you are not even using your husband to get pregnant". I have defended our choices and have wept when those I loved refused to understand. I have learned that the opinions of others are just that, theirs. I have learned that their opinions are not my burden.
- I have held the hand of the man I married and been utterly amazed by his extraordinary character.
- I have welcomed sweet babies into this world and rejoiced with friends over their new additions.
- I have learned what friendships should look like and what they are not. I have learned that friends don't have to "work" at being friends. They should not have to perform to have a spouse accept them. Friendship should be a natural answer to people who love each other. I have seen both sides of this and am thrilled to know true friendship.
- I have learned that hard work pays off.
- I have learned that laughter is absolutely the best medicine.
- I have seen joy and pain live in the same moment.
- I have seen laughter that results in tears and painful abs!
- I have listened to conversations that have changed the parties conversation.
- I have listened to great music, watched thrilling movies and some not do great.
- I have embraced those I love and been embraced.


2012 has a lot to live up to.

1 comment:

  1. I am giving you a standing ovation!!! Well done. :) - Darden
