Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It has been a minute....

It's been a minute since I have blogged. It has been a crazy month at the Robinson household. Lots of work, traveling, decorating, crafting, friends and much more. They always say, "A picture is worth a thousand words"... Let's test that theory! 

I attended my first Octoberfest! It was so much fun. There was laughter, good food, German beer and great music! 

My two favorite little girls were there! This is Mara and I being oh so last like at dinner :) 

Best.moment.ever. Mac asked me to ride the carousel with her. My heart melted! 

Andy loves disc golf. In the spirit of spending time with him and finding a new hobby we could do together we went one Sunday. 
We discovered disc golf is NOT for me! I was horrible at it and enjoyed it as much as a trip to the dentist! We laughed a lot at my lack of skill and will! 

I have lived in South Carolina for almost a decade and have only been to Charleston once. That first trip was wonderful but t was short and was focused around the beach! I have always wanted to have the tourist experience in Charleston. Visiting a sweet friend for the weekend was the perfect reason for the trip! 

We went on a horse and carriage ride! 
The tour had breathtaking views of the city. 
Beautiful iron work! 
Dinner with friends 
More dinner photos
We went in a ghost tour of the local jail. It was FREEZING this weekend. The tour was significantly not as scary as I thought it would be. But it was very interesting from a historical standpoint. 

We decided we deserved some frozen yogurt after the ghost tour, as if we were not frozen solid! 

Maggie and kristy after the ghost tour doing their best "we are sexy" face. Pretty sure the boys lined up for these girls! 
A charleston trip is not compete without a tour of the battery! Such a gorgeous area! 
I fell in love with this house! Orange with blue shutters! A house made for a Clemson Girl! 

One of my favorite artists was in Atlanta. He puts in an amazing show. I have never laughed so much at a concert! Dave Barnes is legit! 
Dave Barnes concert

Thanksgiving trip to Lancaster, NC! It was a wonderful day until.... 

We got pulled over for speeding. Oopsie! 

The biggest day of my job has come and gone. This girl kept me laughing the whole time she was here! It was a great day! 
As tradition goes, when at Cracker barrel, one must always try on hats! 

It has been a great month! It has been filled with laughter and joy. 
This next month the goal is to blog regularly. I think I am up for the challenge :) *fingers crossed*

Stay tuned: update of the fertility process coming soon! 

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