Where we were: Blogging about what to expect when you weren't expecting, talking out our desire to be parents
Where we are: Blogging about us, The Robinson's and our adventures
Why the change: It is time for a focus change, we have a LOT of adventures, you are gonna love reading about them (I hope)!
Before the adventures begin, you should know where we have been.
Kinda like the prologue to an amazing story!
Things changed 4 years ago when Andy and I decided to become parents. Month after month we saw a negative sign on the pregnancy tests. At first we chalked it up to timing(it really IS everything in this pursuit) but as the months turned to years we knew that timing was not the only reason for the negative sign. Through multiple appointments we found that it would be unrealistic for us to see a positive sign, naturally. We found an amazing group of specialists, seriously, amazing. They figured out a treatment plan for us and we began a journey.
Here is a brief breakdown...
May 2011 - Had 1st apt at PREG (Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group), the amazing specialists
May 2011 - Was given news that my tubes are inexplicably closed and our option was IVF
June 2011 - Began taking shots and medicine to prepare for IVF July 2011 - Continued medicine (4 shots a day - 3 I gave to myself and 1 my amazing husband administered)
August 3, 2011 - 11 precious eggs were harvested and were fertilizedAugust 8, 2011 - received news that 9 precious eggs became 9 precious embryos (yay)
August 8, 2011 - 2 precious embryos were implanted into me ( I became a mommy! - their picture is to the right)
August 10, 2011 - had implantation bleeding (small amount of blood that indicates the embryos attached to the uterus)
August 19, 2011 - 8:30am - received news that the 7 precious embryos did not grow enough to freeze so they were discarded
August 19, 2011 - 10:30am - received news that the 2 precious embryos implanted did not make it
This is where we are right now. Figuring out how to mourn the loss of 9 of our precious babies (we believe that life begins at conception and our 9 babies were conceived with love, prayer and a little help from the Dr)
We are hurting. We are confused. We are searching for hope and praying for peace.
If people you love are going through infertility the thought of what to say and how to say it can be challenging. A friend sent me the link to a blog that tells it all! It really reads how I feel most time and what I wish was appropriate to scream from the mountain tops! I hope you take a second to read this, this woman is WISE!
I am sure some will wonder why we are choosing to share this. Why we are choosing to have this public? My answer is simple, some people cope and deal with things better outwardly. I am one of those people. I also know that this journey is familiar to some, though I wish it was not familiar to anyone. Maybe just maybe someone will find comfort in my ramblings.
Everyone seems to have the question, what is next? Believe me, I have the same question. The truth is we don't know what is next. What we do know is that this adventure isn't all we are, it has made us WHO we are but it isn't all we are. I am excited to show you the rest.
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